Sweet Baby A – A Fighting Chance -Green Bay Newborn Photographer

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Being a Green Bay Newborn Photographer allows me to do all kinds of really amazing things.

This is one of them.

One of my favorite things about my photography is that it leads me to people that were in my life long ago and I get to see them again. All grown up. Being parents. Living their life to the fullest. This little girls “momma” and I went to school together since I can remember and we even worked together back in the day. I always remembered her as having a kind spirit and a gentle soul. A few years ago she emailed me about wanting photographs of two very special, very beautiful little kids who were officially being adopted into her family. I felt so honored to have captured this incredible time in her life. When she messaged me again about this little peanut I knew that her sweet kind soul was doing exactly what it was suppose to be doing. Taking care of people who needed it the most. This momma has faced hard times in trying to start her own biological family and having been there myself, it’s a beautiful thing when you see that God’s plan has always been the right plan. We are all so blessed.

  This precious little girl is so fortunate to be under the care that she is by an incredible women. Being a parent is a privilege. Sweet Baby A is in a foster home and her foster mom found it to be important enough to capture this special time in her life. Her foster brother came with, whom I think is an INCREDIBLE kid and I would pose sweet baby A and he would just squeal, “she’s so adorable!” Melted my heart!

 It’s my hope that these photographs will follow her for all the years of her life, wherever that might be & that she will know just how deeply loved she was by this very special mom.


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