The B Family – Winter Family Photography in Green Bay, WI

Winter Family Photography in Green Bay, WI.

The B family braved the winter months of Wisconsin (not sure if brave is the right word, recently dad proclaimed that the day his son asked him to teach him to Cross Country Ski was one of the best days of his life), and met me for some beautiful outdoor pictures. They had never done a family session before and I would have never guessed it. From the very first frame I captured to the last their family moved along seamlessly, showing me emotion that only one can show if they truly feel it in their heart. I met dad and this beautiful little girl last fall at swimming lessons with our daughter. His eyes spoke kindness and when he spoke of his wife, he really had a twinkle in his eye. As soon as I met “mom” I could see why he would feel so much love for this sweet women. She wanted pictures of her WITH her children, in the moment, giving piggy back rides and just loving them. It’s my favorite type of family to photography – happy campers.  This family is beautiful, inside and out, they speak kindness and just take a look below – they love that mom and dad have for one another is something special. What a honor to be the first to capture this precious family.


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